The world of international freight forwarding can be fast-paced and ever changing. That means that staying up to date with the latest global news and developments is important for the success of your supply chain. So let our news hub become your go-to place for insights, tips and updates on all things freight forwarding. We’re here to help you navigate the complexities of international shipping and become your trusted freight forwarding partner.
E-commerce has had a significant impact on logistics as a whole in recent time. Customers now expect lightning-fast delivery and full visibility, which means businesses have had to seriously rethink their supply chains. This look at the impact of e-commerce’s on logistics covers everything from warehouse overhauls to clever last-mile solutions, and how companies are […]
International shipping is one of the largest industries in the world, generating billions of dollars a year. Businesses across the globe rely on international shipping to expand their operations to new markets across borders and connect with customers worldwide. It’s an exciting opportunity for businesses to start selling their goods internationally, however, it doesn’t come […]
In October 2024, U.S. Dock Workers across the East and Gulf Coasts went on strike for the first time since 1977. The strike began 1st October and ended two days later on 3rd October when the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), agreed to a short-term contract extension with the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) until 15th […]
As we approach the end of 2024, we’ve begun looking forward to 2025 and what the freight forwarding industry may look like. The logistics and freight market is constantly evolving, presenting shippers and carriers with challenges that they must navigate and overcome. 2024 has presented plenty of these challenges, and it seems as though we’ll […]
Moving goods across borders and handling import and export procedures can come with a host of complications. From understanding customs clearance procedures to navigating global events that are affecting supply chains, the landscape of logistics is constantly changing. This requires businesses to stay informed and adapt to these changes or seek help from companies that […]
p The air freight industry is currently experiencing an increased surge in demand that has been driven by a series of factors that are affecting global trade. The pandemic in 2020 saw the demand for air freight rise as ecommerce purchases increased, and this has left a lasting impact on the industry. Businesses have seen […]
Sea freight is one of the most significant aspects of freight forwarding, with around 90% of the world’s goods being transported via ocean freight. Therefore, regulating the freight industry and ensuring maritime safety measures are in place is vital. One of the most important and globally recognised maritime regulations is the SOLAS Convention, which plays […]
International shipping laws and regulations are important for the facilitation of global trade and without them, the movement of goods across borders would be inefficient and quite frankly, chaotic. With these laws in place however, the transportation of goods, documentation requirements and safety regulations are standardised to ensure security at borders and efficient international trade. […]
As of Tuesday 1st October, dock workers at ports across the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts are onstrike against their employers. The strikes come as a result of negotiations between TheInternational Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX), where both organisations have been trying to settle on a new master contract. The ILA have […]
The Changes From 31st October 2024, Safety and Security (S&S) declarations will now be required for all goods being imported from the EU, not just animal, plant or plant-based products. This means that imports from the EU will now be subject to the same control measures as imports from the rest of the world. These […]