Jenkar News

Jenkar Team Receive A Taste Of Yorkshire


At Jenkar, we may well have got into the festive spirit a little early, but the Directors couldn’t resist the opportunity to provide the team with a fabulous Yorkshire Pudding treat this week.

By paying for the mobile services of the PudPud Catering van to be located on site at Jenkar’s Yorkshire HQ, we were able to ensure the staff received delicious Yorkshire Puddings, served to order during the day.

We are glad to report that the tasting was a big success, although it’s fair to say that some tucked in more than others.

Did You Know?

  1. Yorkshire Pudding recipes can be traced back to 1747.
  2. The pudding got its name due to the regions association with coal and its higher temperature led to the Yorkshire batter being crisper.
  3. The first Sunday in February is Yorkshire Pudding day in Britain.

Team Jenkar

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