Jenkar’s Barry Storms The Desert
Jenkar Sales Manager – Barry Symons – has certainly been working his way around the global network conferences recently, and this time he has gone down a storm in Jordan.
Barry attended the four-day ‘5 Continent Alliance Conference’, which was held at the Hilton Dead Sea Resort between the 5th and 8th of November. Nestled at the heart of the Jordan Valley, the hotel sits at the lowest land point on Earth, with direct access to the Dead Sea beachfront.
Attending the conference, as one of only two permitted UK representatives, is a continuation of our overseas partner strategy; developing our relationships with colleagues and partners around the globe.
Part of the conference included a networking group trip to Petra, which is one of the seven modern ‘wonders of the world’. Petra is a city carved into the mountain rock, which is also famously known as ‘The Lost City’.
For further information on our international logistics rates and services, for both exports and imports, then please do not hesitate to contact us.