Jenkar News

Time’s Up On Covid Passenger Freighters


Time is up for air cargo passenger freighters that served us so well during the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Also referred to as ‘preighters‘, this aircraft configuration of moving freight in passenger cabins, was used extensively by resourceful airlines during 2020 and 2021.

With passenger flights coming to a stand still and a global need for PPE to be transported urgently by air, passenger freighters filled the void and also helped airlines bring in some much needed revenue at the time.

The need for this service has declined during recent months and from 31st July 2022, the EASA (European Union Aviation Security Agency) are closing the exemption that allowed this configuration to be used by airlines entering and exiting Europe.

Therefore, time is nearly up on the Covid passenger freighters, which will undoubtedly be welcomed by many of the freight handlers that had to physically handball freight through aircraft doors.

To find out more about Jenkar’s inbound and outbound airfreight services, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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